Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fear on a Train

The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles

An interesting scene in this novel takes place on a very old train crossing Morocco. One of the main characters, Kit, is riding the train and decides to go see the fourth-class wagon. The wagon contains a multitude of people squashed together. Many of them appear to be destitute. There are people everywhere standing, lying down, sitting, and squatting. They do not appear to be very clean and they are eating very strange food that Kit has never seen before. People are talking to each other very loudly which creates a buzz of voices. Kit feels very frightened in this part of the train. She ends up shivering with fright and running back to her first-class compartment where her friends are waiting for her. 

This event is important in the novel because it shows Kit's personality. As a rich American traveling in Morocco, she was curious see how the fourth-class passengers travel. However, she is not used to seeing such utter poverty. Later on, she can't stop thinking about the people she saw. For this reason, I think this event is a conflict. 

Photo by Omer Simkha

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