Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Aron's Help Has Arrived!

The Book of Intimate Grammar   by David Grossman

     This novel is about a boy named Aron Kleinfeld who lives with his family in Jerusalem in Israel. At the beginning of the story, Aron is ten years old. He is very small and underdeveloped physically. His mother is very anxious about it because he doesn't seem to be growing. When he turns thirteen, he has his bar mitzvah which is supposed to celebrate him turning into a man. The problem is that Aron is still very small and immature. What the reader finds out is that he has refused to grow up; he has actually made his body stay like a little boy's. He wants to remain a child.

     If I were to add myself as a new character in the story, I would become an older cousin. Aron already has an older sister which is why I would invent a cousin for him. I would be about 20 years old which would be helpful for Aron because I would be nice to him. Since I am naturally a very determined and realistic person, I would sit him down and have a serious talk about how great it is to be an adult (ha!) and how he needs to face reality and just get on with life.

     Aron is a pretty stubborn kid, but I would take him somewhere that he really likes to go which is his old kindergarten playground. There, I would get him to talk about his problems so I could solve them. Since I am realistic, I would not pretend that being an adult is always perfect (for example, taxes) but I would make him understand how terrible it would be to spend his whole life as a tiny little kid while all his friends are growing up and moving on in life. I would also explain to him all the great things about being an adult such as independence and freedom!

     I would be a great cousin for Aron! He certainly needs somebody determined and realistic in his life to get him moving. 

                                                      a cartoon me


  1. Great Post Ms.Forbes! I think being his cousin is a great idea! Love the cartoon you, even though I cant really see "YOU" haha.

  2. Haha love the way you put (for example, taxes) in your well written post. Can't seem to let go of that idea?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
